Friday, May 29, 2009


So I watched the recent MenInPain video with Flower Tucci (yes I actually pay for porn too) and I have to say I now have a full on fascination with squirting. Flower is apparently known for her squirting, but this was the first time I had seen her in action. Let me say, she lives up to her reputation! She erupted like a fire hydrant all over the guy's face more times than I could count.
The first scene that got me though was the first time she did it: the guy was kneeling before her and she was standing defiantly in front of him, one foot propped up. She began vigorously rubbing herself and in a matter of seconds there was a gushing noise and she was immediately squirting all over the guys face. It wasn't done in a particularly seductive was kind of like she was doing it just because she could. It was the equivalent of a guy jerking off over a girl and cumming violently all over her face, just because he could. It was a total role reversal and I loved it.
I did some online research...I knew there had to be more to it than just rubbing the Gspot (if you don't know about this already then I shun you) and I did find a bit more information. The women who claimed they could squirt describe a brief sensation of having to pee right before it happens. They say that you have to go with that feeling and let go, and it will happen.
Because I have heard Mme Sade in her coaching of a newbie on how to have an anal orgasm, this is exactly what I tell newbies when trying to describe how to achieve anal orgasms- "when you feel like you have pee, that means you are if you relax and go with that feeling then you can have your first anal orgasm." So after my further research into squirting, I am even more convinced that Gspot orgasms and anal aka Pspot orgasms are equivalent.
Now some claim that only some women are blessed with the ability to just naturally squirt. Others say that you can train yourself to squirt. I believe that a good majority of the women out there have the ability to squirt and they just don't know it. I mean, most guys can be trained to have an anal orgasm. Some just have to work harder to achieve it.
It's a different feeling than a regular orgasm in both cases. You won't actually pee unless your bladder is overly full. For men in particular, I think it is almost physically impossible to pee. So one just has to get used to that having-to-pee feeling during sex, relax, and go for it. Seems like magical things happen.
So I am convinced that I can also train myself to squirt. And I aspire to squirt. I won't turn it into an Olympic sport, but the idea of squirting in some one's face just because I can is highly appealing. It is similar to the idea of pissing in a guy's face, but different...even more intimate. Not something that I am looking for volunteers for, so don't bother.


Anonymous said...

Damn. Why'd you have to go there in your last sentence, huh huh?

Let's back-up. Rewind.

Okay now, much better. May I say: I volunteer!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Miss Varla said...

So then would you volunteer for me to piss all up in your face? :)

unspeakable axe said...

And now I'm curious to learn how to have an anal orgasm.

Research time!

Miss Varla said...

axe- anything written by Mme Sade on the subject should be helpful as well. She's done the research, has the experience, and holds a record for a high number of multiple orgasms in one sitting.

Anonymous said...

Mr. pee-pee head? Me??

Um, let me think. No.

Sorry, gotta wash my hair said day...

lucky said...

OMG, i so would love to be "squirted"!