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Sunday, July 5, 2009
Friday, May 29, 2009
So I watched the recent MenInPain video with Flower Tucci (yes I actually pay for porn too) and I have to say I now have a full on fascination with squirting. Flower is apparently known for her squirting, but this was the first time I had seen her in action. Let me say, she lives up to her reputation! She erupted like a fire hydrant all over the guy's face more times than I could count.
The first scene that got me though was the first time she did it: the guy was kneeling before her and she was standing defiantly in front of him, one foot propped up. She began vigorously rubbing herself and in a matter of seconds there was a gushing noise and she was immediately squirting all over the guys face. It wasn't done in a particularly seductive was kind of like she was doing it just because she could. It was the equivalent of a guy jerking off over a girl and cumming violently all over her face, just because he could. It was a total role reversal and I loved it.
I did some online research...I knew there had to be more to it than just rubbing the Gspot (if you don't know about this already then I shun you) and I did find a bit more information. The women who claimed they could squirt describe a brief sensation of having to pee right before it happens. They say that you have to go with that feeling and let go, and it will happen.
Because I have heard Mme Sade in her coaching of a newbie on how to have an anal orgasm, this is exactly what I tell newbies when trying to describe how to achieve anal orgasms- "when you feel like you have pee, that means you are if you relax and go with that feeling then you can have your first anal orgasm." So after my further research into squirting, I am even more convinced that Gspot orgasms and anal aka Pspot orgasms are equivalent.
Now some claim that only some women are blessed with the ability to just naturally squirt. Others say that you can train yourself to squirt. I believe that a good majority of the women out there have the ability to squirt and they just don't know it. I mean, most guys can be trained to have an anal orgasm. Some just have to work harder to achieve it.
It's a different feeling than a regular orgasm in both cases. You won't actually pee unless your bladder is overly full. For men in particular, I think it is almost physically impossible to pee. So one just has to get used to that having-to-pee feeling during sex, relax, and go for it. Seems like magical things happen.
So I am convinced that I can also train myself to squirt. And I aspire to squirt. I won't turn it into an Olympic sport, but the idea of squirting in some one's face just because I can is highly appealing. It is similar to the idea of pissing in a guy's face, but different...even more intimate. Not something that I am looking for volunteers for, so don't bother.
Posted by Miss Varla at 8:49 PM 6 comments
Yet More Video News
I posted this in a ballbusting forum today:
"So I was doing this video today and the guy was laying down, tied spread eagle to a piece of bondage furniture. I was doing all methods of torture to his balls using my hands, feet, knees and ass (I sat on them and ground them), and at one point I ended up sitting between his legs, facing his balls. It suddenly occurred to me to cup under them with one hand and start smacking them with the back of my other hand. It made a nice sound. I said something like "ooh look I'm bitch slapping your balls!" Then I began bitch slapping repeatedly. I really do like the sound- it makes a different sound than when I'm smacking with the palm of my hand. I also think it hurt more, because not only was the guy reacting more but I noticed my fingers were a little curved which caused my knuckles to drive into the balls with each slap. I also tried just back hand slapping the balls while they were free. That's fun too. In all my years of ballbusting, I never realized how fun it was to bitch slap a guy's balls."
I shot a couple solo ballbusting videos for my own company. There was a lot of anxiety involved as I feel the need to oversee everything and can be a bit of a perfectionist when it comes to aesthetics. Overall, though, it was liberating to shoot a video for myself for a change. I didn't have to worry about pleasing anyone but myself, and got to do exactly what I wanted with someone I enjoy playing with. Which is how it should be all the time.
Of course the videos had to do with ballbusting of every sort. These videos fit perfectly into one of the main themes of my company- physical Domination. I look forward to many more videos along these lines, and I hope my partner in crime, Mistress Aurora, can join me again. Contrary to popular belief we are not ONE entity, but I must say that we kick major as when we're together.
Screen shots to come soon...
Posted by Miss Varla at 1:16 AM 2 comments
Monday, May 25, 2009
Ballbusting Lovers
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Posted by Miss Varla at 2:49 AM 1 comments
Friday, May 22, 2009
Quick Update
I joined twitter. I can be found there as MistressVarla. I am enjoying it, actually.
I've been getting back into doing videos again. Ball busting also. I worked with a different company for the first time. I'll let you know if/when the videos are posted. My experience was a positive one.
Since Aurora and I make videos for so many other people, we decided that wanted to make videos for ourselves. We've started that process.
I have decided that it would be nice to start a Female owned and run kink empire...with the help of male slaves too, of course. :)
One step at a time, but I figure that doing videos for myself and a Dominant Female partner is a good start.
I really need new photos soon. I am looking into it. My hair is still bright red and I still have bangs. I am just a year older and have lots of new fetish clothing. :)
Posted by Miss Varla at 12:43 AM 0 comments
Saturday, April 11, 2009
Back In The Saddle
If anyone still follows my blog and wonders why I haven't posted for a while, there was a family emergency and I ended up flying home to California for a few weeks. And I will most likely be heading back near the end of June for a memorial, so just a heads up there. I do have a couple things to post about regarding my Cali trip- complete with photos- but I will save it for a later entry. For now I wanted to make people aware that I am back in NYC and have immersed myself in my kink again for the time being. Acting out my proclivities really truly is my therapy- as I am reminded every time I escape this eccentric life I have molded for myself.
If we've lost touch through email I ask that you please try reaching out to me once more.
Posted by Miss Varla at 3:26 PM 1 comments
Saturday, February 28, 2009
Birthday Day
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Posted by Miss Varla at 4:23 AM 0 comments
Thursday, February 26, 2009
So I shot with Lady Cheyenne for ClubDom for the first time a couple weeks ago. I have to say that it was all I had hoped for and more. Cheyenne is a very gracious host, inspirational Domme, and all around a sweet and classy Woman.
I have admired Lady Cheyenne and her work for years now. I have been flattered by the fact that she has been trying to get to shoot for ClubDom for quite a while. Well I finally got up the nerve to make the trip. It helped that I was able to recruit Mistress Aurora and an old slave of mine, both people I know I have good energy with.
All 8 vids have been released on Clips4sale -Cruel & Unusual FemDom.
Mistress Varla and Aurora size up their caning bitch. Varla looks the bitch straight in the eye and tells him, on no uncertain terms, that they are going to cane him without mercy. The ladies proceed to deliver a brutal and unforgiving caning. Stroke after vicious stroke, the ladies smile as the bitch wanes and moans. There are well over 100 cane strokes in this highly intense video.
3 Minutes in CBT Hell
Mistress Varla and Aurora have their slut bound and helpless. His balls are history. They are going to destory his worthless nuts today. The ladies cane his balls. When purple bruises arise, Varla picks up his balls and squeezes them, laughing. Just when the slut thinks he might escape with his balls, Varla announces that next...they are going to kick his nuts. Then she gives him another cane stroke and smiles.
Bad Luck Balls
Varla and Aurora have just beaten their bitch's balls with crop and cane. Now the ladies will destroy his nuts with brutal blows to his balls. They fire off a round of kicks to the slut's nuts. As he falls to his knees, they continue kicking his helpless nuts. Just as the slut is a crumbled heap on floor, thinking he is done, Varla casually walks around, grabs his nuts and nails him one more time.
By his Ankles Whipping
Mistress Varla and Aurora have their slut strung upside down by his ankles. They crack their whips and taunt the slut. Then, they go in for the first strike. Varla and Aurora have their way with this slut as he dangles by his ankles. The ladies enjoy every cruel lash.
Mistress Varla and Aurora have their slut in a cage with his balls locked helplessly before him. The ladies whip and cane his balls. Instant purple bruises rise up. Varla's face lights up and she squeezed his tender balls tightly. Auroa laughs. She informs the slut to get used to the pain. His balls are going be punished every morning for the rest of his life. The ladies deliver several more strokes to the slut's balls, smiling all the while.
Toy Balls
Varla and Aurora have their play toy naked and fitted with a leather hood. The play toy cannot see or hear. There is no way for his helpless balls to be protected. Varla and Aurora smile as they put him in position and remove their shoes. They are going to kick, punch, knee, squeezse and enjoy their toy's ball. Heck, they may even destory his balls if it so suits them. The ladies kick their toy as he is made to stand up right with his hands on his head. When the toy falls to his knees, They deliver blows to his balls from behind. When the slut falls to the floor, Aurora grabs up his balls and Varla stomps on them. All the while, the ladies are smiling and giving each other high fives. They know, this slave's balls are their toys. This is one of the most erotic yet cruel ball busting videos we have ever filmed. Varla and Aurora's pure joy in busting balls is very clear.
Caned to Tears
Mistress Varla and Aurora have their bitch bent over the bed. They deliver brute force cane strokes, one after another. The ladies are quite serious in the correction of this bitch. The caning is long and severe. By the end the slut is litterally crying.
Lick Cum from her Boots
Mistress Varla has noticed one of her stable sluts lusting after her boots. She calls him in and ridicules him for being such a slut. Then She instructs the slut to spill his male filth on her boots. Varla and Aurora watch as the slut jerks off and shoots his load all over Varla's boots. "Lick up your mess!" Varla demands. The slut licks his cum off her boots. Aurora grabs the slut by the back of his head and picks up his face, which is now dripping with his own cum. The ladies laugh at him for being such a slut.
Posted by Miss Varla at 4:43 PM 5 comments
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
Oldies but Goodies
Here is an old set I did for an Art major's project. Her name is Olga Zeltser and she has since shot with other known Dommes. I wasn't able to post them on the Dungeon site, and my Mysapce got deleted a long time ago, so I'll post them here.
Human Furniture
Posted by Miss Varla at 5:20 PM 2 comments
Thursday, January 22, 2009
I hope the day never comes where I feel I have to go back to working at a dungeon. I think the current climate...the closing of number of successful dungeons and the feeling of sucks. On the other hand I feel that things, at least in our small piece of the universe-they all have a reason for being. Call it destiny, fate, kismet, whatever. I believe in basic positive and negative energy.
In the grand scheme of things, everything must have a balance. Yin and Yang. Take nature for example-it is a very delicate balance. One teeny tiny thing gets thrown off and it has a chain reaction. Why do we have global warming? Because we have been abusing the planet and throwing things off balance for decades, causing a chain reaction that could ultimately end in our own destruction. This is not just a theory. Study some basic ecology, if you think global warming doesn't or can't exist. Everything, including us humans, has a role on this planet. Things that don't ultimately fit into the grand scheme of things, they don't survive natural selection. Those that do survive and have survived-they each have a role to fill. I could give more examples, but I don't want to lose my original train of thought.
I'm sure you're wondering at this point what all of this has to do with BDSM and dungeons. I'm getting there. :) So, lets apply these principles to other things.
**I may jump ahead now so I hope you're able to make the connections. I am not the best writer**
Let's say BDSM exists for a reason. Now, I believe people are predisposed to be kinky, and it is a combination of some nature and a lot of nurture. These predilections have existed for longer than D/s and S/m were founded, and thus far kink has failed to be weeded out and eradicated. In fact, it has only grown bigger and stronger. It has survived natural selection, so to speak.
Within the worldwide, universal kink community exists a million subsets. For each niche there exists a community and for each community a niche, and so on. Which brings us to the New York kink community. I am including Professional Domination in the New York kink community.
With regards to Professional Domination in NYC, I believe things were thrown off balance. Money, and basically the business aspect began to take priority over passion and genuine kink. People are free to believe that the New York kink community is being eaten away by intolerance, or politics, or whatever the current theory is, but I believe that fundamentally things have disintegrated because the balance was thrown off. And It probably all started with one teeny tiny little thing. Negativity slowly began to take the place of the positive things of this community.
So if we want the current state of things to change, people need to contribute more positive things to this community. All of these alliances and all of this backbiting only adds to the negativity that has taken over. Some of the love, the passion, and ultimately the "heart" of BDSM needs to be put back into Pro Domination and the community. And in the quest for the all mighty dollar, these things have been forgotten and left behind.
All of this is coming from someone who has only had an awareness of and interest in BDSM for 11-12 years. On top of that, I have only been involved in the lifestyle and community for the past 4.5 years, approximately 3.5 of which have been spent in Professional Domination.
Above all, I am idealist, so I think things will get better. But I also feel that only this is possible if some of the authenticity of BDSM is put back into Professional Femdom. My ideal dungeon would be something like this:
-Female owned and operated. Or owned and operated by genuinely kinky men who have a real understanding of and respect for Females and Female Domination.
-Only genuinely kinky Females, or those with an honest interest and basic understanding of BDSM.
-Applicants should be required to write an essay regarding their experience, their interest in kink, their interest in Professional Domination, a basic summary of who they are as a person, and their goals as a Professional Dominant, etc. (There should be more included but I can't think of it at the moment.)
-There should be a 50/50 split between house and Domme. Domme should keep %100 of all her tips and not even have to report them.
-Domme should get some sort of compensation for any new client she personally brings in or refers to the house.
-There should be a training program that is continually refined and improved upon.
-New equipment is constantly being researched and purchased.
-Extreme safety/health measure are taught and used at all times.
-Constant measures are taken to assure camaraderie among employees, and open communication between employees and employers.
-Interpersonal romantic relationships strongly discouraged.
-No hierarchy amongst those employed.
-All employees encouraged to be a part of and be up to date with the community.
That's all I have for now. BTW, this is not in any way a jab at my previous employers (I consider them friends) or the House. I am extremely grateful for the chance I was given, the experiences I had, and the training I received. Again, these are ideals. And some of the things I listed were things that were already in place at the Dungeon.
Posted by Miss Varla at 1:21 AM 12 comments
Thursday, January 8, 2009
Back In Town
I enjoyed my UK vacation in the sense that it was nice to be with family and relaxing to be away from the every day routine of stress and anxiety. Other than checking out every sale on every shopping street known in London, I didn't do much. The new grandmother is a fantastic cook so I got spoiled with home coked meals and put on some weight. Having to buy new jeans was a good indicator.
I have many goals for this next year and quite a few things I have to do and money I have to save before I achieve them. I am planning to put myself out there a lot more as a Pro Domme, at least for this next year. I suppose it will be a true test of whether being Pro really pays off for me. And I don't even mean financially. It really does have its moments...though at times they can be few and far between.
I actually look forward to new challenges and adventures.
Posted by Miss Varla at 7:00 PM 2 comments
Thursday, January 1, 2009
Final Rapture Video
I present to you all: Pervert Nut-Kick Beat-Down!

What a great New Year's Eve present!
While this likely won't be my final video for Rapture that is released-I have a backlog of at least 4-6 more videos- it was the final video that I shot with Rapture and the final scene that Aurora and I did together there. When Rapture was unexpectedly shut down (everyone should know the story by now) Aurora and I bemoaned the fact that this video might never see the light of day. Us Dommes never got to see the footage of our work until the video was finally released.
The video really was a lot of fun to make. And shooting it was hilarious because it was the first time we had played with this guy. We knew he was a big guy, but we didn't expect how difficult it would be to push and wrestle around with him. Just trying to roll him over on the floor was a struggle and took the both of us. We couldn't stop laughing the entire time because it was just ridiculous that us two tiny girls were trying to beat up this guy that we could hardly budge. He wasn't fighting back much, of course, but he certainly wasn't helping us in the least. So the action was all real, raw and unscripted, as with a majority of my videos.
I always found that trying to plan or script a video put too much pressure on me and hindered not only my performance but the enjoyment I got out of the scene. And of course Rapture's style was always to make the scene as real and raw as possible, so that viewers felt they were actually getting a peek into an every day session at the Rapture dungeon. Of course many of the sessions we actually got weren't as heavy or action packed as the ones you see on video. Thus why we often jumped at opportunities to unleash our Sadism and get some aggression out.
I recall that in the beginning there were many complaints that the videos were all too "mean" and not nearly sensual enough. Well truth is, a good percentage of the sessions we got were more on the sensual side and didn't always fulfill our desires or fantasies.
One of the main reasons that I enjoyed making videos and made as many as I did was that I always had crazy things I wanted to try that I couldn't do in session. Mainly because I didn't want to scare away a new client or traumatize someone who was fairly new to the scene. I think, no I am pretty certain that, from watching my videos people have gotten the impression that I am some crazy bitch who just wants to kick balls all the time and kick them hard. I don't know how many times I have heard from subs, whether joking or not, that they were scared to see me because I am too heavy or they didn't want their balls kicked. Truth is, I am normally a mix of sensual, Sadistic, and playful.
For those who have gotten the guts to actually session with me for the first time, I have heard that I am actually a lot nicer and more sensual than they thought. There just happens to be another side of me that is more physical and aggressive and fantasizes about doing things like beating a guy to a bloody pulp. We all need to find some sort of balance in life, no? ;)
Posted by Miss Varla at 10:12 AM 1 comments